

Bandas para Juntar-se, Acordeão, Violão, Segunda Voz, Gaita de Fole, Banjo, Violoncelo, Dobro, Fiddle (instrumentos de arco), Flauta, Gaita, Teclado, Guitarra solo, Bandolim, Outros, Outros instrumentos de Percussão, Piano, Guitarra Base, Saxofone, Pedal Steel, Trombone, Trompete, Contrabaixo Acústico, Violino, Vocalista - Alto, Vocalista - Barítono, Vocalista - Baixo, Vocalista - Geral, Vocalista - Soprano, Vocalista - Tenor.


Hello! I'm seeking a jazz bassist and drummer to join me in forming a progressive jazz trio for my personal project. Our style veers away from bebop, focusing more on soft jazz and blues. I aim to record a live album and perform primarily in jazz venues around the Frankfurt area, with potential for national and international exploration. I already have some songs and album ideas in mind.

For local performances, we'll be known as the "Pablo Ramos Trio," and the Spotify account will be under my name.This setup allows for continuity, ensuring my personal project can continue seamlessly even after I eventually relocate from Germany.
Your level of commitment doesn't need to match mine; I envision a more relaxed approach, emphasizing enjoyment of the gigs we organize.

Nome de tela:
Membro desde:
maro 08 2024
Ativo há mais de 1 mês atrás
Nível de compromisso:
Tempo tocando música:


Julian Lage Trio
Gilad Hekselman
Rob Luft

Experiência com o instrumento:

Guitarra solo: