

Bandas para Juntar-se, Acordeão, Pedal Steel, Piano, Bateria, Contrabaixo, Violão, Guitarra Base.


I'm a singer from Eastern Europe recently moved in Germany, l like writing songs, I have my own original tunes that I would like to play with a guitarist or a band, I also can sing in all type of bands who love my voice (my last experience was a cover soul band in US for 6 months). I'm interested on making a succes of it, music for me is not just a hobby, please contact me only if you are serious about it.

My music would be more rock that I already have on my profile, this is the music I used to sing in my country of origin. Now I want to do some changes and I also have another pop- rock songs - ballads to share with you if interested.
I just moved to Germany so as you can realise, I don't really speak German, english or french will suit me :)
email: norica2004ro (at) (dot) com

Nome de tela:
Membro desde:
fevereiro 24 2016
Ativo há mais de 1 mês atrás
Nível de compromisso:
Em turnê
Tempo tocando música:
Shows realizados:
de 50 a 100
Costuma praticar:
Mais do que 3 vezes por semana
Disponível para eventos:
2-3 noites por semana
Maior disponibilidade:


Black Gospel, '80's Rock Bands