

Bandas para Juntar-se, Saxofone, Trompete, Violino, Outros instrumentos de Percussão, Bateria, Contrabaixo, Violão, Guitarra solo, Guitarra Base, Vocalista - Soprano, Vocalista - Tenor, Vocalista - Barítono, Vocalista - Baixo, Vocalista - Geral, Segunda Voz, Piano, Teclado, Flauta, Gaita, Outros, Banjo, Bandolim, Fiddle (instrumentos de arco), Dobro, Vocalista - Alto, Trombone, Gaita de Fole, Pedal Steel, Contrabaixo Acústico, Violoncelo, Acordeão.


Hi there! I am a hobbyist guitar player, however I love guitar and music. I have been playing in a band for quite a long time with my mates however, due to my profession, I had to move to different places and not be able to form a band. I am now settled in Stuttgart and I looking for other bandmates to play, jam and -why not- perform live or even record a few ideas. I love funk, jazz, blues and old classic rock as a general. As a player I more blues-funk oriented but with my band I was playing classic rock songs.

Since my German is not great I would prefer English speaking bandmates, although there is a unique language between musicians :-).

Nome de tela:
Membro desde:
abril 21 2014
Ativo há mais de 1 mês atrás
Nível de compromisso:
Tempo tocando música:
Shows realizados:
de 10 a 50
Costuma praticar:
2 - 3 vezes por semana
Maior disponibilidade:


My favourite guitar players are Robben Ford, Carl Verheyen, Jimi Hendrix, David Gilmour, Ritchi Blackmore, Richie Kotzen and many more.


Fender guitars and Fender tube-amp. Several stompboxes some of them I have hand-made by myself.