

Bandas para Juntar-se, Acordeão, Violão, Outros instrumentos de Percussão, Segunda Voz, Banjo, Violoncelo, Dobro, Gaita de Fole, Flauta, Fiddle (instrumentos de arco), Vocalista - Alto, Vocalista - Barítono, Vocalista - Baixo, Vocalista - Soprano, Vocalista - Tenor, Gaita, Contrabaixo Acústico, Bandolim, Piano, Trombone, Saxofone, Bateria, Outros, Pedal Steel, Trompete, Violino.


Hey! I´m a drummer and guitarplayer from Berlin. I want to start a 70s driven Rock Band in the vein of Black Sabbath and Motörhead (just the direction - no coverband! Pink Floyd, Deep Purple, Hawkwind Uriah Heep and 80s stuff like Guns N´Roses are also my faves)! I made mostly Heavy Metal in the past in different bands. It´s time now for something new! So I have a lot of experience in playing live, writing songs and recording.

Looking for stabile Ladies and Gentlemen between 25 and 45 which have the same passion for the good old Lifestyle of Rock n ´Roll.

So Sorry, NO Nu Metal, -Core or something like that is wanted ;) Please send me a few notes about you. You play guitar, bass, keyboard or/and can you sing maybe?! Btw I have a rehearsal room in Lichtenberg with amps, PA and drums. Happy to hear from you, will message you back asap!

Let´s go fu*king crazy!
Contact me here if you don't to pay a premium account here ;)
eugenherbst [at]

Nome de tela:
Membro desde:
abril 26 2020
Ativo há mais de 1 mês atrás
Nível de compromisso:
Muito dedicado
Tempo tocando música:
Shows realizados:
Mais de 100
Costuma praticar:
2 - 3 vezes por semana
Disponível para eventos:
2-3 noites por semana


Black Sabbbath, Pink Floyd, Uriah Heep, Queen, Deep Purple, Motörhead, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Darkthrone, Emperor, Mayhem, Dismember, Autopsy, Morbid Angel...

Experiência com o instrumento:

Guitarra Base:
Guitarra solo: