Bandas para Juntar-se, Vocalista - Geral, Vocalista - Baixo, Vocalista - Barítono, Vocalista - Tenor, Vocalista - Soprano, Guitarra Base, Guitarra solo, Violão, Contrabaixo, Bateria, Outros instrumentos de Percussão, Violino, Trompete, Saxofone, Teclado, Piano, Segunda Voz, Gaita, Flauta, Outros, Banjo, Bandolim, Fiddle (instrumentos de arco), Dobro, Vocalista - Alto, Trombone, Gaita de Fole, Pedal Steel, Contrabaixo Acústico, Violoncelo, Acordeão.


I'm looking for stable projects in the reggae/rock/electronic direction to play keys as studio or live musician. I'm only interested for projects which make own music.

In parallel I'm also looking for keyboardist, bassist, drummer, guitarrist, brass and singers to form a project to make own music. This band will also be a backing band for reggae artists from Brazil. I have reggae as a main rhythmic reference, but also with influences of rock, electronic and brazilian music. I'm looking for motivated people who have time for music and are committed. It's not a requirement but I would like to find musicians, who have experience or at least interest to deal with music composition, production and can record their instruments at home. But if you are a beginner you are very welcome as well, as soon as you have commitment. The songs are not supposed to be difficult. Where: anywhere between Saarbrücken - Kaiserslautern - Mannheim - Heidelberg.

If you work on other music directions please feel free to contact me anyway. I'm open for music and there's always so much to enjoy about it.

About me: I come from Brazil and I live in Kaiserslautern since one year. In Brazil I have been playing keys over the last 16 years with many artists, recording and playing live in South America. I have been playing keys in a backing band for "Ras Bernardo", the singer of Cidade Negra, one of the first brazilian Reggae bands from the 80's. I have also been working with other reggae/rock bands such as PandoraH, A Figa, A Rud, Califa. I'm also electrical engineer and currently working for the telecommunications industry in Germany. Digital (audio) signal processing is my daily professional activity. You can find more about me on instagram:

Nome de tela:
Membro desde:
agosto 16 2022
Ativo há mais de 1 mês atrás
Nível de compromisso:
Em turnê
Tempo tocando música:
Shows realizados:
Mais de 100
Costuma praticar:
Mais do que 3 vezes por semana
Disponível para eventos:
6-7 noites por semana
Maior disponibilidade:


Reggae, Rock, Brazilian Music, Electronic.

Experiência com o instrumento:
