

Acordeão, Segunda Voz, Gaita de Fole, Banjo, Violoncelo, Dobro, Fiddle (instrumentos de arco), Flauta, Gaita, Teclado, Bandolim, Outros, Outros instrumentos de Percussão, Piano, Guitarra Base, Saxofone, Pedal Steel, Trombone, Trompete, Contrabaixo Acústico, Violino, Vocalista - Alto, Vocalista - Barítono, Vocalista - Baixo, Vocalista - Geral, Vocalista - Soprano, Vocalista - Tenor.


Ladies and Gentlemen

It is with great enthusiasm that I would like to apply to you on behalf of the band “BrothersFinest”. Our formation combines not only musical versatility, but also a passionate dedication to live performance.

We are BrothersFinest - a humble but hungry cover band looking forward to conquering many stages in the future. Our musical repertoire spans a period from the 70s to the 2000s, and we present the best songs of this era in our own rousing way. With us you will experience a musical journey through time where the hits of the 70s, 80s, 90s and 2000s be rocked in a new guise.

We would be very happy to become part of your event and delight the audience with our energetic performance. Let's create an unforgettable musical journey together.

Thank you for your attention. We would be happy to answer any further questions you may have or to get to know us personally.

Nome de tela:
Membro desde:
fevereiro 20 2024
Ativo há mais de 1 mês atrás
Nível de compromisso:
Muito dedicado
Anos juntos:
Shows realizados:
Menos de 10
Disponível para eventos:
1 noite por semana
19 anos


The Cure,Queen,David Bowie,Rolling Stones,RadioHead and The Verve

Membros da banda

! Lead Singer,Lead Guitarist;Bass Player and Drums

